Stubble cultivation. Preparing the ground for success.

New Holland now offers a range of stubble cultivators which have been designed to deliver high speed, efficient field coverage, enabling you to plant the next crop exactly when it suits you. This has the dual benefit of delivering efficient stubble cultivation as well as assisting with subsequent planting activities.

Precision seedbed cultivation. Giving seeds the best start.

The key to a productive crop, begins before the seed has even entered the ground. A well prepared seedbed is a key ingredient to a productive yield. The new series of seedbed cultivators have been agronomically designed and extensively tested to provide the perfect seedbed to ensure the best possible germination environment.

Rotavators. One pass tillage.

New Holland’s range of professional rotorvators deliver robust performance in all operating conditions,
and can be used on both ploughed, or unploughed fields that require cultivating.

Mowers, tedders and rakes. Completing your hay and silage making operations.

New Holland’s new range of mowers, tedders and rakes has been designed to offer you the choice of implement that suits your specific operational requirements. The mower range comprises of front, rear and trailed mower configurations, and you can select between conditioning or standard variants.

The six and eight rotor tedder range offers efficient performance, even in heavy silage swaths. The rake lineup ranges from
a 4.15 metre operating width to the largest 8.2 metre models, so that the perfect rake for the operation in hand can be selected - whether that is baling hay, silage or straw.
LOGISTICS: The right part at the right time
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